sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009













的確,敵人起床,但可以肯定的是,他將下降!因此,在生活耶利米,他應該說所有的神將發出,許多可能會很生氣,但他在上帝向他(耶利米書1:19) -他們會反對你,但你不能戰勝;因為我與你,耶和華說,到你。無論付出的代價,我們為我們的忠實的上帝,什麼重要的是上帝的名稱必須是崇高的。 (以賽亞書54:17) -這是你應形成對繁榮和每一個舌頭的上升在法庭上對你的聖經訓誡,譴責這是傳統的耶和華的僕人,他們的正義,是對我,耶和華說的耶和華。


因此,生活以利亞,他逃離耶洗別。因此,摩西的生命,最大的精神領袖,以色列也已經想逃走的呼籲上帝在你的生活。 (出埃及記4:10,11) -摩西說不欲,上帝,啊,我的上帝!我不是雄辯的人,而不是昨天或前天,也因為你已經說過祂僕人:因為我緩慢的言論和舌頭。他說祂是耶和華,是誰提出的人的嘴?或誰maketh的啞巴,或聾,或旅遊,或雙目失明?不是我的主?不要像摩西,根據他自己的能力,看在上帝的能力,誰需要你。不要看你,總是尋找一個你上市! (希伯來書12:2) -耶穌看祂作者和終結者,我們的信仰,誰的歡樂建立在他面前忍受了十字架,就輕看羞辱,坐下在手,神的寶座。服從上帝的號召,將帶來極大的興奮,作為後果的上帝!


上帝為你需要在你走。普羅維登斯是什麼?普羅維登斯只屬於上帝,因為只有他知道會發生的事情在發生之前。神的眷顧,是超自然的方式甚至是很自然的上帝使用維護自己的生命選擇。當約拿被扔進大海,編寫了一份魚帶您去的地方上帝送給他。這是天意。 (馬太福音17點27分) -但是,對於那些觸犯他們,到湖拋出掛鉤,並採取先中捕獲的魚,開放他的嘴,你會發現stater:是否可以,並給出了一我和你。魚與硬幣含在口中時,只為納稅的福利。


Se lever, manger et de boire est la durée de votre marche

Se lever, manger et de boire est la durée de votre marche

Et l'ange du Seigneur vint une seconde fois et le toucha, et dit: Lève-toi et mange, car vous serez très long chemin. Je Rs 19,7

Qui a jamais entendu parler du prophète Elie? L'un des plus grands prophètes et le plus puissant que Dieu a ressuscité dans le monde. Cet homme mystérieux apparu dans la période la plus turbulente de l'histoire d'Israël. Les prophètes de l'Eternel, ont été tués, les restes Mirko avec des personnes mal et Limp entre les deux avis, c'est là que Dieu a ressuscité Elijah en réponse à cette idolâtrie nationale. Jézabel, qui était marié à Achab, introduite par ses prophètes employés par elle pour adorer le démon-dieu Baal et sa femme Astarté mythique. Ces dieux cananéens devraient maintenant être adoré par toutes les personnes que l'Eternel lui-même avec un bras vigoureux libéré de l'esclavage égyptien. L'hérésie et d'apostasie en pointillés le royaume du Nord et personne ne s'était levé pour annoncer la vérité, même pas peur des conséquences. C'est à ce moment-là que Dieu a ressuscité soudain l'un des prophètes les plus puissants de l'Ancien Testament.

Est-ce que cette période n'est pas semblable à la nôtre? Quand on voit aujourd'hui beaucoup d'évangélistes sont n'adore pas les photos comme Baal, mais le peuple et même des ministères? Les croyants qui meurent par leurs dirigeants, les prédicateurs et les chanteurs. Les croyants qui le suivent fidèlement ces «étoiles gosp" n'agissent pas de la même manière Israël, au temps d'Elie? N'avons-nous pas voir la doctrine de Jézabel va tranquillement dans nos églises? Jézabel est parmi nous et nous rendre compte que leur poison se répand de plus que l'influenza se propage à travers le nouveau monde. Et beaucoup d'hommes de Dieu et des ministères entiers sont détruits par l'orgueil, la cupidité et l'arrogance.

C'est à ce moment précis que Dieu est élevant leur "Elie"

Quand Satan a été de penser que tuerait étouffé le peuple de Dieu à travers la boue de l'idolâtrie, Dieu lui répond avec le prophète de feu! Elias semble remettre en question Achab et les prophètes de Baal par la puissance de la Parole de Dieu. Dieu soulève des hommes qui remettra en question les fondements du péché dans les milieux évangéliques. Il ya une Mount Carmel attendait ces hommes "faux de Dieu» et leurs doctrines de démons, de montrer quelle est réellement la puissance de Dieu. Sur le mont Moriah, Dieu se pourvoira, sur le mont Carmel se manifeste!

La première attitude était de montrer à Elie au roi Achab que la pluie et le temps n'était pas dans le contrôle de Baal, ou de l'agriculture et de la fertilité étaient au pouvoir d'Astarté. Quand Élie prophétise qu'il va pleuvoir sur la terre en fonction de sa propre parole, il donne un coup sec ce couple de démons! Le monde a besoin de tels hommes, qui ne craignent que Dieu et à sa parole. Nous sommes fatigués d'entendre de belles paroles lors de nombreux troupeau à l'enfer dans nos propres églises.

Jézabel était si méchant, effronté et audacieux dans la mesure où une tumeur maligne de construire un temple au démon dieu Baal. Achab a certainement été le roi le plus idolâtres qui occupa le trône d'Israël, n'a rejoint dans les hommes méchants et le mal comme lui.

Le défi a été fixé, le Dieu qui a fait le feu descende du ciel, comme Dieu serait affecté. Les prophètes de Baal pleuré et rien n'est arrivé. Elie a prié et un feu descendit du ciel, de consommer la victime, l'eau et en laissant la terre sécher avant. Compte tenu de cette démonstration, tous les gens adoraient Dieu sur terre en s'inclinant et en disant que seul l'Eternel est Dieu, et le reste a été négligeable de faux dieux. Tous les prophètes de Baal qui étaient présents ont été tués et Elie monta à Achab et montrent une fois encore que le contrôle de la pluie était entre les mains du Seigneur dit à Achab qu'il pleuvait beaucoup, après trois années de sécheresse. Et c'est arrivé, Elie et pria Dieu a envoyé la pluie qui a inondé toute la cour.

Après des percées spirituelles, toujours sorti de l'enfer des mesures de rétorsion

Jezebel à entendre Achab qu'Élie avait adressé une menace à Élie, et cette peur de mourir comme les prophètes de Baal ont été tués, ont fui dans le désert. Sachez que, avant tout progrès et de croissance spirituelle que vous avez, le diable n'est pas heureux d'intervenir pour qu'il pourra empêcher. Ainsi, il fut avec Josué, lors de sa campagne avancés par la terre promise, cinq rois se sont réunis pour le frustrer. Mais comme la puissance de Dieu a pu arrêter le soleil et la lune Josué à triompher dans la bataille, alors Dieu sera en mesure de faire des choses inimaginables d'accorder la victoire complète et absolue à ceux qui le craignent.

Il est vrai que l'ennemi se lève, mais il est certain qu'il va tomber! Ainsi, dans la vie de Jérémie, il doit parler tout ce que Dieu enverrait, et que beaucoup seraient en colère contre lui, mais Dieu lui a assuré (Jérémie 1:19) - Et ils vous combattent, mais ne prévaudront pas contre toi; car je suis avec toi, dit le Seigneur, à toi. Peu importe le prix que nous payons pour notre fidélité à Dieu, ce qui importe est que le nom de Dieu doit être exalté. (Esaïe 54:17) - qui est forgée contre toi sera sans effet et que toute langue qui s'élève contre toi, tu la juridiction de condamner Tel est l'héritage des serviteurs de l'Éternel, et leur justice est de moi, dit le Éternel.

Il ya des moments où le croyant veut s'échapper

Ainsi, la vie d'Elie, il s'enfuit de Jézabel. Ainsi la vie de Moïse, le plus grand chef spirituel qu'Israël avait déjà voulais aussi échapper à l'appel de Dieu dans votre vie. (Exode 4:10, 11) - Moïse dit au Seigneur, ô mon Seigneur! Je ne suis pas un homme éloquent, pas d'hier ou avant-hier, ni depuis que tu parles à ton serviteur, car je suis lent de la parole et la langue. Et il dit à l'Éternel, Qui a fait la bouche de l'homme? ou qui rend muet ou sourd, voyant ou aveugle? Pas moi, l'Éternel? Ne soyez pas comme Moïse, selon ses capacités propres, regardez la capacité du Dieu qui vous appelle. Ne regarde pas pour vous, cherchez toujours celui que vous avez énumérés! (Hébreux 12:2) - Vous cherchez à Jésus de l'auteur et le consommateur de notre foi, qui, pour la joie qui lui a souffert la croix, méprisé l'ignominie, et s'assit à côté du trône de Dieu. L'obéissance à l'appel de Dieu amènera beaucoup d'excitation comme une conséquence de Dieu!

Ne faites pas comme Jonas s'enfuit à Tarsis, quand Dieu a envoyé à Ninive, comme Dieu sait toujours où vous allez, même quand vous n'avez même pas pensé à aller. Elie s'enfuit dans le désert, mais lorsque vous êtes fatigué de fuir, trouve un arbre de genièvre, où il s'est reposé sous son ombre. Elias avait aucune idée, mais Juniper est un type d'arbre qui n'est pas né dans le désert, le genièvre qui était déjà là avant même que Elie de fuir là, elle était une providence divine dans sa vie.

Dieu a pourvu à ce que vous aurez besoin pendant votre promenade. Qu'est-ce que la Providence? Providence n'appartient qu'à Dieu, car lui seul sait ce qui va se passer avant qu'ils ne surviennent. La providence de Dieu est le moyen le surnaturel ou même naturel que Dieu utilise pour préserver la vie de ses élus. Quand Jonas est jeté à la mer, avait préparé un poisson pour vous emmener à l'endroit où Dieu l'avait envoyé. Ceci est la providence. (Matthieu 17:27) - Mais pour ceux qui contrevient pas à eux, aller dans le lac et jette l'hameçon et tire le premier poisson vous attraper, et en ouvrant sa bouche, vous trouverez un statère: prenez-le, et donne une moi et toi. Un poisson avec une pièce de monnaie dans sa bouche quand il n'a eu besoin que de payer des impôts est l'aide sociale.

Dieu va agir de façon extraordinaire pour vous aider, même lorsque vous essayez de sortir de l'appelant pour votre vie.

Get up, eat and drink as long is your walk

Get up, eat and drink as long is your walk

And the angel of the Lord came a second time and touched him, and said, Arise and eat, because you will be very long way. I Rs 19.7

Who ever heard of the prophet Elijah? One of the largest and most powerful prophets that God raised in the world. This mysterious man appeared in the most turbulent period in the history of Israel. The prophets of Jehovah were killed, the remains Mirko with evil people and limp between two opinions, it was there that God raised up Elijah in response to this national idolatry. Jezebel, who was married to Ahab, introduced through his prophets employed by her to worship the demon-god Baal and his wife Asherah mythical. These Canaanite gods now should be worshiped by all the people that Jehovah himself with a strong arm freed from Egyptian slavery. Heresy and apostasy dotted the northern kingdom and no one had stood up to announce the truth, even afraid of the consequences. It was at that time that God raised suddenly one of the most powerful prophets of the Old Testament.

Does this period was not similar to ours? When we now see many evangelicals do not worship the pictures like Baal, but the people and even ministries? Believers who die by their leaders, preachers and singers. Believers who faithfully follow these "stars gosp" are not acting the same way as Israel in the days of Elijah? Did not we see the doctrine of Jezebel going quietly in our churches? Jezebel is in our midst and we are not realizing that their poison is spreading more than the new influenza spreads around the world. And many men of God and entire ministries are being destroyed by pride, greed and arrogance.

It is at this very moment that God is raising up their "Elijah"

When Satan was thinking that would kill suffocated the people of God through the mud of idolatry, God responds to him with the prophet of fire! Elias appears to challenge Ahab and the prophets of Baal by the power of the Word of God. God is raising up men who will challenge the foundations of sin in evangelical circles. There is a Mount Caramel expecting these false "men of God" and their doctrines of demons to show what really is the power of God. On Mount Moriah, God will provide, on Mount Caramel will manifest!

The first attitude was to show Elijah to King Ahab that rain and the weather was not in control of Baal, or agriculture and fertility were in the power of Asherah. When Elijah prophesies that it will rain on the earth according to his own word, he gives a sharp blow this couple of demons! The world needs such men, who fear only God and to his word. We are tired of hearing beautiful words when many flock to hell in our own churches.

Jezebel was so wicked, brazen and bold in malignancy so far as to build a temple to the god Baal demon. Ahab was certainly the most idolatrous king who occupied the throne of Israel, only joined in the wicked and evil men like him.

The challenge was set, the god who made the fire come down from heaven, as God would be put. The prophets of Baal cried and nothing happened. Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven, consuming the victim, the water and leaving the dry land before. Given this demonstration all the people worshiped God on earth bowing and saying that only Jehovah is God and the rest was negligible false gods. All the prophets of Baal who were present were killed and Elijah went to Ahab and show once again that the control of rain was in the hands of the Lord said to Ahab that it would rain a lot after three years of drought. And so it happened, Elijah and entreated God sent rain that flooded whole place.

After spiritual breakthroughs, always come from hell retaliate

Jezebel to hear from Ahab that Elijah had sent a threat to Elijah, and this fear of dying as the prophets of Baal were killed, fled into the wilderness. Know that before any progress and spiritual growth that you have, the devil is not pleased to rise to it will prevent. So it was with Joshua, when his campaign advanced by the promised land, five kings came together to frustrate him. But as the power of God was able to stop the sun and moon to Joshua triumph in battle, so God will be able to do things unimaginable to grant full and absolute victory in those who fear him.

It is true that the enemy gets up, but it is certain that he will fall! Thus in the life of Jeremiah, he should speak all that God would send, and that many would be angry with him, but God assured him (Jeremiah 1:19) - And they shall fight against you but not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to thee. No matter the price we pay for our faithfulness to God, what matters is that the name of God must be exalted. (Isaiah 54:17) - that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in court thou shalt condemn This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

There are times when the believer wants to escape

Thus the life of Elijah, he fled from Jezebel. Thus the life of Moses, the greatest spiritual leader that Israel already had also wanted to escape the call of God in your life. (Exodus 4:10, 11) - Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord! I am not an eloquent man, not of yesterday or the day before yesterday, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: for I am slow of speech and tongue. And he said unto the LORD, Who made the man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Not I the LORD? Do not be like Moses, according to his own ability, look at the ability of the God who calls you. Do not look for you, always look for one that you listed! (Hebrews 12:2) - Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the hand of the throne of God. Obedience to God's call will bring great excitement as a consequence of God!

Do not do like Jonah fled to Tarshish when God sent to Nineveh, as God always knows where you go, even when you have not even thought of going. Elijah fled into the desert, but when tired of running away, found a juniper tree, where he rested under its shade. Elias had no idea, but Juniper is a type of tree that is not born in the desert, juniper that was already there even before Elijah to flee there, it was a divine providence in his life.

God provided what you will need during your walk. What is providence? Providence only belongs to God, because He alone knows the things that will happen before they happen. God's providence is the way supernatural or even natural that God uses to preserve the lives of his elect. When Jonah was thrown into the sea, had prepared a fish to take you to the place where God had sent him. This is providence. (Matthew 17:27) - But for those not offend them, go to the lake and throw the hook and take the first fish you catch, and opening his mouth, you will find a stater: take it, and gives a me and thee. A fish with a coin in its mouth when it needed just to pay taxes is welfare.

God will act in extraordinary ways to assist you even when you try to get away from calling it for your life.

Cars Iron

Cars Iron

We are experiencing times of great growth
Evangelical churches in Brazil. Everywhere appear
new ministries with varying classifications and
denominations. Churches large and sumptuous have been
built and empires church is
expand to other countries. Truly,
crowds have gathered to worship, praise and listen
eloquent preaching. Never before in the history of the church
many Christian churches were opened and the gospel was so
preached as today. The media,
as radios and TV's are opening the doors for
many ministries that are able to afford the
thousands of dollars charged for a few minutes to
into the air. However, I see that the evangelical church
Brazil is in the hills, boasting to have them
won, while in the valleys, drugs, alcohol,
prostitution of such places are a hell on earth.

(Judges 4:1) - And the children of Israel again
what was evil in the eyes of the Lord, after his death

Brazil has no corruption, plunges into idolatry and
church enriched by political agreements with the corrupt and
with the devil himself, when they admit in their midst the
terrible wounds of heretical doctrines and theology
prosperity. Therefore, (Judges 4:2) - and sold them the
LORD in the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, who reigned in
Hazor, and Sisera was the captain of his army, which
dwelt in the Goyim Gentiles. Therefore, we
losing battles in the land of the enemy, that is, in
slums in the alleys and lanes of this lost world and
also within our own churches, when we
complacent with the rich wolves who sin and ruthless
with the poor sheep that fail. Or when we hay ace
sheep and goats the grass paying fortunes in caches.
That shows when we admit our pulpits and let
worldliness into our churches. When I see all
these evils, I realize that God sold our country in hand
the "Jabims.

The Israelites had conquered the mountains, where
raised altars and praise high praises to God,
however, the valleys left in the hands of enemies. Hence,
the enemy is entrenched: (Judges 4:3) - ... because he
had nine hundred chariots of iron, and for twenty years
mightily oppressed the children of Israel. But perhaps
you ask me, and what that has to do with us? Will
to see that many young people using drugs in the alleys
dark, or when we see dozens of prostitutes and
transvestites street corners and sidewalks of our streets not
are seeing the cars's iron devil ruling the
spiritual valleys of our city? Does the church
today also do not forget to win these vouchers? And
Meanwhile the iron chariots of violence, hatred and
immorality brings terror wherever they go.

Are we even fighting as an army
triumph of God, limited to our services full
high praise, while the other side of the street the devil
replaced with their chariots of iron destroying lives and
dragging thousands to hell?

(Judges 4:3) - And the children of Israel cried to
LORD ...

The best translation of the Hebrew text shows us that
they shouted, they cried to the Lord for help and assistance.
Hearing this cry, a shout came from heaven by Deborah:
(Judges 4:4-5) - And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of
Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. She dwelt
is under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel
in the mountains of Ephraim, and the children of Israel came up to
it to court. Many went to her to hear a message
genuine, it was the church of the palm of Deborah. No
had padded seats or air conditioning, but
just a genuine message appealed to the people
that place.

Comfort, beauty, well-prepared sermon and a beautiful
oratory are good and nice, but not what really
matter, but a message that penetrates the deepest
the cravings and thoughts of man. The people do not need
hear a nice message full of emotion and eloquence,
they are able to go to the highest mountain
under the hot sun to hear a message of
power that comes from truly high and sublime
throne of God. (Matthew 11.7-10) "And they departed,
Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John, What
you came to the desert? a reed shaken by the wind? Yes,
that you came? a man clothed in soft raiment? Those who are clothed
soft clothing are in kings' houses. But what went ye
see? prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than
prophet Why is this of whom it is written, Behold
with thee I send my messenger, who shall prepare before
from you your way.

John did not preach a message of victory and no financial
full of the miraculous cures to attract
crowd, preached only two things: repentance and
coming of the Messiah. He does not adorn his preaching to
please the most rich and powerful, before denouncing the
their sins, as it did with Herod and Herodias,
denouncing the adultery of both, even costing your
life (Matthew 14.3).

When the church learn from the palm tree of Deborah
or with the church's voice crying in the wilderness? Cars
iron reap the devil lives and care in
sumptuous build churches or criticize our own
colleagues in ministry. People look at us and
see as fanatics who gather to shout and preach
messages that do not fill the existential void in
and neither of them free of power and terror of cars
iron devil.

They look and say, "They are a bunch of stupid people that
preach about a God who is only within their
churches and that only bless those who give tithe. "
"Where is their God when a robber takes life
of a family? "or" God can make them
something for my son who is on drugs? "is the
they say.

(Judges 4:8) - Then Barak said to her: If thou art with me,
I will, but if you are not with me, I will not.

Barak, whose name means "lightning", was called by
Deborah and encouraged by her to go to battle
cars of Jabin and Sisera. The instructions were
Categorical: (Judges 4:6-7 - And he sent for Barak
son of Abinoam of Kedeshnaphtali, and said to him:
Perhaps the Lord God of Israel did not order
saying, Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take
thee ten thousand men of Naphtali and of the children
Zebulun? And I will draw unto thee to the brook Kishon, the
Sisera, captain of Jabin's army, with their cars,
and his crowd, and will give it in your hand.

God gives us the strategy to overcome these cars
iron devil, "and take with thee ten thousand men of the children
Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun? "First, we He
shows his army, and often their army is not
very numerous, and the army of Gideon. For
the victory was not recognized for their own
capacity but only for the outstretched hand of God.
In this case, God showed the army of brave men
who were willing to risk their lives to clean
the valleys of the enemies of God's people.

And I will draw unto thee to the river Kishon, Sisera,
captain of Jabin's army, with their cars, and with
multitude, and will give it in your hand. (vers.7) In addition to the
show his army that is trained in the trenches of
tribulations of life, he tells us where we get victory:
The very ground of evil. And I think that slums
alleys with condominiums and avenues will be the field
battle of little more powerful army of God.

But this will only occur when the church is aware that
the honor and merits can not be given the eloquence of
preacher, the wisdom of his words and not be able
human to do things, but only to God who
guarantee victory.

(Judges 4:8) - Then Barak said to her: If thou art with me,
I will, but if you are not with me, I will not. And she said
I will surely go with thee, but not be for thine honor of
journey that, for the hand of a woman
LORD will sell Sisera. And Deborah arose, and went
with Barak to Kedesh.

Barak did not worry about the merit of victory would
him or Deborah, what mattered is that the victory would be
the people of God! The church needs to carve out his half the
selfishness and the exaltation of men. Whenever the
people leaving the church praising the preacher, or as it is
full of power, then we fail, but when the people
glorify God because God is in their midst or
Jesus is talking about, then yes we go for

quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2008

The Mystery of God The Mysteries of God

The message on the Mysteries of God

"At the same time appeared fingers of one hand of man, and wrote, in front of the Candlestick, caiadura in the wall of the royal palace, and the king saw the hand that was writing. (Daniel 5:5) "

Pr Flavio Alves Abreu e Lima, PE, friday, 12, Dezember, 2008.

Belsazar was happy and gave a banquet to one thousand of its large, and there had proven that the wine you bring the tools of the House of the Lord, which had been brought by his father, Nebuchadnezzar, when he conquered Jerusalem. Probably he had sent to bring the vessels to demonstrate the thinking of all its major officers as he was powerful and was above any god. He wanted to show everyone that Jehovah, the God of Israel and he was submissive to their false gods. The heart of Belsazar was full of pride and arrogance. And by that we know of God, He does not support the proud. Pride is the first sign of defeat "The fear of the Lord and hate evil, the pride and arrogance, the bad and mouth perverse way, I hate. "Pv 8:13 "The pride above the ruin, and the arrogance of the spirit before a fall." Pv 16:18 God does not allow pride in the hearts of their children. The pride is the first sign of rebellion against God. The first to be proud in the whole history of creation was Lucifer.

And his pride turned into rebellion against the Almighty. Heaven is place of holiness, so that the rebels tried to take the place of God have been expelled from there. Lucifer said: "And you say in your heart: I upstairs to the sky, above the stars celebrate the God of my seat, and the hill of the congregation I will be based, to the sides of the north. Upstairs on the heights of the clouds, and be like the Most High. And yet you will be taken to hell, to the deepest abyss. Is 14.13-15 " The first to feel pride in his heart, was Lucifer, who brought light before God, has now been transformed into Satan, enemy of God and servants of God. He was expelled from above and humiliated because of the heavens is proud to the point of wanting to take the throne of God.

Do not allow pride dominate your heart, because this will be a gateway to the devil and for its ruin. Unfortunately, we have seen this evil increasingly present in the heart of people. Just have a better condition, a car or even a better position to be proud and want to be bigger and better than the others. Today, we see men contaminated by the virus superb height of wanting to play God. Built in Europe a particle accelerator in order to verify that the universe was not created by God. They want to prove that there is no Creator. The first time that the men wanted to play God, in Babel, where a tower built to reach heaven and show that they do not need to anyone, that they were self-sufficient. God looked at the arrogance of the heavens, and fell confused the language of men and they were humiliated. Care! Do not be arrogant and exalted, because the same God still walks with his eyes on the ground to shoot down the proud! How many employers, after seeing their names galgarem the ladder of fame, no longer dominate the pride in their hearts, to the point of thinking that they are the miracles, you think is your good oratory, his eloquence, his charisma that attract the crowds. Those who forget their origins? How they charge fortunes to preach the word of God, where before or paying people they wanted to hear?

God is tired of proud and superb! Pastoral care! To not think that the church is his, and that the ministry is its empire. God does not divide the glory of it with anyone. Great, only God! Pharaoh was one of those that exaltou before God. When Moses was sent to him in the name of the Lord, he asked: "Who is the Lord, whose voice I hear, let him go to Israel? I know the Lord, neither will Israel go. "Ex 5.3. I imagine God looking at the heavens and earth will be saying to the angels around you, now I will show to him to Egypt and that I am what I am! God sent ten plagues on Egypt, humbled all gods of pharaoh and killed and destroyed all his army in the depths of the Red Sea (Ex 14). After forty years, Raabe in the city of Jericho, there in Canaan, opened his mouth and saw that all people of Jericho were desmaiados of fear because they had heard of how the Lord, our God, God is in heaven above and below on earth (Js 2.11). God will be magnified in the humiliation of those who hit in the chest and say: - Who is your God? Where is your God? Before you enter Jericho, your enemies are trembling with fear, because they know that your God is God! The other is that proud, thinking that all their empire was conquered by their strength and their own magnificence Nabucondonosor was one of the predecessors of King Belsazar (Dn 4.30). Even with the word in his mouth, a voice came from heaven and gave him a sentence of humiliation.

The great Nebuchadnezzar dwelt among the animals of the field, with hair as eagle feathers of the body, nails grow as poultry eating grass to learn the lesson that it is God who exalts, and is the God who humiliates anyone. After the time, He returned their conscience and he can testify that the God of Heaven can humiliate those who walk in pride. But even knowing of how God humbled himself to his father, Belsazar not be humbled before God and get the tools he devoted to exclusive use of God to drink and party with irreverence, cultural his demon god. What is devoted to God should not be desecrated. And I find serious warnings from God in the text of sacred Scripture. Do not touch what is Sacred I find the Word of God, serious warnings for some things that should not be desecrated: God does not allow to take his name in vain: "No Tomaras the name of the LORD thy God in vain, because the LORD will not have to take the innocent by his name in vain. Ex 20.7 " The name of God can not be profaned. "Not by my jurareis false name because profane the name of thy God. I am the LORD. Lev 20:12 "

I remember very well what happened in a certain Assembly of God, where a young man who was interested in a couple of God, and who thought that God could help unite the two, she stood in the middle of worship profetizando on behalf of the Lord, until he was so young and said: - Young, I am God I speak with you ... Prophesied many blessings for this young and added: - Young, so I say, this is already prepared your varus, and behold, that I prepared for you, is the pot that speaks to you! In the same instant, God raises one that surprised the young couple and balanced: - Young, who sent you prophesy in my name if I gave you order? Who are you to say: I am God that I speak, if I sent you? Listening to what the couple fell into tears and asked forgiveness of God saying in the middle of a crowded church: Forgive Me Jesus, Jesus forgive me! The young man filled with the Holy Spirit said, do not use, let God use. This false prophecy was revealed false by God in the middle of worship, but how many are profetizando lies in order to be praised and seen as vessels of God without God to send? How many use the name of God to speak what they want? How many are playing with the name of the Lord? Care! God does not have the innocent who take his name in vain.

Profane not the house of God The House of God is holy, holy place is because the presence of God manifests itself visibly in the middle of it. For more simple and humble to be the place, God is present in the environment: Why, where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst. Mt 18:20. The place where the presence of God is holy and should be revered, that is why He said to Moses to take the sandals on his feet before the fire burning in the middle of the briar. 5.1 Ecclesiastes in the Bible is not by chance: "You keep your foot, when you get in the house of God, because it get to hear is better than sacrifice of fools, because we know they are wrong." Still have believer who comes to God's house, is the cult all chewing gum without praise, without glorifying, play the role on the floor and put the gum under the seats. Others spend the cult chatting with the brother of the bank and forget to talk to God and pay attention to the cult. And these "engraçadinhos" still complain that God did not speak with him in the middle of worship.

When you enter in the other house, you sit down at all? Play role in the ground? And they want to do it in God's house? You are not in the house of the mother Jane, you are in the house of the Eternal Father Creator of Heaven and Earth. Shame on that boy and his face meets the Shrine of the Most High! Follow the house of God and not Profane what was devoted to God (Ez 23.19). They want to transform the church into the nightclub to the skeleton requebrar believers, they want to transform the pulpits of stage shows for artists gospéis star turn, and if present, others want to transform the church in a cemetery where nobody can give glory to God aloud, and the believers have to arrest the leader of the people do not like that gives rise to the Spirit of God fill you.

Who tells the House of God is not carnal man, but the owner of the house which is God! The House of God is and who is boss here and he to whom God entrusted the herd led by the Holy Spirit. The House of God can not turn into a den of thieves, misleading, false prophets and false milagreiros to be before God has to be holy, because this is Holy God! Do not touch the vessels of God "I Do not touch the Anointed One, and I do not mistreat the prophets. Sl 105.15 " I bring a message of warning to those who are in the direction of some work and who like stone tools, and little prophets of God: Do not touch the anointed of God. If someone you are stoned, you know that pursuing this one is you have to do with the pastor of your church, God is going to him because you are not any, you are anointed him. Anointed means that you separate, you are separated by God and who mistreat the play and you will receive justice from God. How many are chasing the people of God and is therefore?

How many rise against the servants of God and goes unpunished? It may be someone in your workplace, your school, your home or anywhere that you are God will do justice in the land of the living, because he is not dead, He lives for all forever! I remember as a laborer, I rose up above the middle of worship against me for my face, and how three days later and has been accident-toothless mouth. I remember as a woman full of hatred rose up to chase me and a few weeks after it was bumpy and broke the arm. None of those who do injustice to the chosen of God will remain unpunished, all will be humiliated and confused because they have raised against the beloved of God. Does not wish the evil of their opponents, but know that what they planted, reap multiplied. There was a politician who said that when he assumes the presidency of the republic would do the believers eat grass, he won, but can not take because he died before taking. All the tool against you prepared not prosper, and any language that arise against you in court to condemn you, this is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and the justice that comes from me, saith the LORD. Is 54.17. All the enemies of God's people will be defeated as the Hama was in Persia. All fall as Goliath fell in front of David. All will be confused as the Philistines before Jônatas and his squire. Nobody can resist every day of your life.